Monday, April 28, 2014

Stitch from my Stash - April 2014 Report

This month saw more leaving my stash than coming in again via the Stitch from my Stash:

Carryover: $38.22
April budget: $25.00
April spend: $2.33 - 1 spool of thread
April budget left over: $22.67
Total Carryover to May: $60.89

The Projects that I worked on this month are as follows:
New Starts: Winter Mandala, Eagle Table Runner, Prayer shawl for my grandmother
Finishes: Pinky Baby Blanket, 2 St. Charles Ornaments, NOEL, Ohio State placemats

Stash Consumed: 
Yarn: 1492 yds for blanket
Fabric: 2 yds for table runner, 2 yads for placemats and coasters
Stitching: NOEL kit consumed, scrap 36ct linen and some floss for ornaments.

All in all in was a good month! Happy Stitching everyone! Hopefully I can remember to take progress pics when I get home later.

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